Raccoon Eviction And Exclusion Services

pest control

Raccoons are one of the most destructive nuisance wildlife animals and should be dealt with immediately to prevent costly repairs. Call in Raccoon Removal Service Texas professional as soon as you spot signs like paw prints or tracks on your property.

These animals carry dangerous diseases, including rabies, and cause major damage to homes. They also cause severe attic insulation damage.

Humane Eviction

Raccoons are like noisy, smelly roommates that refuse to pay rent. Their scavenging habits will leave behind a trail of destruction that includes ripped-open trash can lids, scratched-up wood surfaces, and feces. The scuffling sound of their feet will also be heard as they travel throughout your home looking for a new den site.

To encourage a raccoon to leave, it is important to start the humane eviction process between March and May. This is when a female raccoon is particularly protective of her young and will be more likely to relocate her kits (babies) in response to perceived threats. To encourage a raccoon to move, light and loud music is often recommended. The noise can be made by a radio or speaker placed inside the attic space and is best started around dusk. In addition, a bowl of apple cider vinegar or ammonia-soaked rags can be left out to make the area smell unpleasant.

Before attempting any eviction methods, it is recommended that all available entry points be inspected and closed to prevent future raccoon activity. This inspection should include the attic, walls, crawl spaces, chimneys, eaves, soffits, vents, and roof shingles. Also, a thorough search should be completed for evidence of the raccoons, including paw prints in mud or mulch and a latrine area.

The goal of the eviction process is to remove any easy access points for the raccoons to enter and exit your property without disrupting their natural habitat. Removing the availability of food sources, closing access to crawl spaces and decks, and putting up fencing can all be effective ways to deter raccoons from a property.

Before beginning the eviction process, it is essential to ensure that no babies or nursing mothers are present in the attic or other locations where the raccoons are located. Breaking up family units puts the babies, known as kits, in a very vulnerable position and can increase the likelihood that they will not be able to find another suitable den site on their own. Taking the time to check for young before proceeding can help to save you both time and money.


Raccoons can be very determined and once they discover a location that provides food or shelter, they will return regularly. This dogged determination can lead to property damage and costly repairs if raccoons are not stopped before they cause significant harm. Trapping is one of the most effective methods of removing unwanted raccoons and in many cases, can be done by homeowners themselves using DIY techniques.

The best way to discourage raccoons from returning to a particular area is to make it uncomfortable for them to stay there. Removing easy sources of food like pet food left out overnight and securing unsecured trash cans is a good start. Closing access to crawl spaces, decks, and sheds can help as well. Putting out a bowl of cider vinegar or ammonia-soaked rags to make their den smell unpleasant can also deter them from returning.

If these strategies are not successful, a professional can trap and relocate the raccoon. Relocating raccoons is a time-consuming process that requires special permits in some states. It is also a very challenging task that may be dangerous for inexperienced home and property owners to attempt on their own.

Getting rid of raccoons under porches, sheds, and other structures can be difficult because they live in small, dark spots that are hard to see from the ground. The best way to get rid of them is to place a strong steel mesh exclusion barrier under the structure. Bolt the barrier into the foundation and bury it at least 8″ underground with the bottom of the mesh sloping outward. This will prevent raccoons, skunks, and other wildlife from making their homes under the house.

If you have raccoons in your chimney, the best way to remove them is to use a chimney cap. This will keep them out and also prevent a chimney fire that could easily destroy the entire family of raccoons. Similarly, if they’re in your attic, you can try to coax them out by shining bright light into their nest, playing loud music, or shaking a pan with ammonia-soaked rags.


Raccoons are a very smart, ingenious species that can cause a lot of destruction if they invade your property. They can leave you with sleepless nights and expensive repair bills. If you suspect a raccoon infestation, contact a nuisance wildlife control company. They have the tools and experience necessary to humanely evict these animals.

The first step in raccoon removal is to assess the damage and the extent of the problem. A raccoon exclusion specialist can then seal any holes that the critters used to get into your property. They can also recommend fixes for your yard and home that will keep raccoons out indefinitely.

A raccoon invasion is often the result of a female raccoon looking for a den site to give birth to her babies. She may find a warm, dry attic or chimney to use as her natal den. In these cases, the raccoons will rip shingles from your roof, remove faulty chimney screens and caps, and destroy whatever else they need to gain access. They also gnaw at wood and plastic, causing extensive structural damage.

Other signs of a raccoon infestation include finding droppings, hearing scratching and rustling noises at night, or noticing that your garbage cans have been knocked over. You may also notice that your shrubbery is being chewed by raccoons and that there are piles of discarded raccoon feces.

Trying to solve a raccoon infestation with DIY methods like setting out scare devices or using eviction fluids can make the problem worse. This is because a raccoon that feels cornered or threatened by an outside threat will become more aggressive in its attempts to protect itself and its young. This can lead to dangerous situations for you, your family, your pets, and other raccoons.

The best way to stop a raccoon problem is with an exclusion solution that stops them from entering in the first place. We offer three unique systems that work together as a wildlife barrier from below ground level to the roof’s peak for full home protection. These systems are effective, easy to install, and affordable for homeowners and businesses alike.

One-Way Door

A one-way door is a great alternative to trapping when it comes to raccoon exclusion. It allows the raccoon to leave on its terms and prevents it from returning, while also preventing other raccoons from entering as well.

The idea is to mount the one-way door on the hole that the raccoon uses to get in and out of your attic, crawl space, or basement. It is important to make sure that this is the only entry point into your home; if you can’t find an exit point, then you have other vulnerabilities that should be sealed up.

To determine where the one-way doors should be mounted, we first inspect your property to see how the raccoons are getting in and out of the building. This can usually be done by viewing your house from the outside and seeing where raccoons have made their dens, or by looking at the edges of the attic, and noting places where wood meets metal or other building materials.

Once the raccoons are evicted, we can then block off their entrance points with metal flashing or galvanized steel mesh that they cannot chew through. This will keep them out for good, and prevent new raccoons from attempting to enter your attic or crawl space, as well as the ones that were already evicted from leaving again.

One-way doors are a great option when it comes to humane raccoon exclusion, but they can be a little tricky to install correctly. It is best to have a professional do the job as they will be familiar with finding and sealing these entry points, and can more easily spot any areas that are not being covered by the one-way doors.

One-way doors can also be used in conjunction with trapping if you think the mother raccoon may return with her babies once they are old enough to leave on their own. Just be aware that if you use this method with a mother, she will try to move her babies to a safe place and will not go back through the one-way door again. This could result in her getting separated from her babies, which is not ideal for the health and safety of both her and the babies.

The Basics of Pest Control

Preventive measures are the first line of defense against pests. Clutter provides places for pests to hide and breed. Regularly clean surfaces. Fix leaking pipes, etc. Standing water attracts many types of pests.

Reduce or eliminate attractants such as overripe fruit, rotting vegetables, compost piles, bird feeders and baths. Contact Bakersfield Pest Control now!

Pests can harm crops, damage buildings, or disrupt the natural balance of nature. A pest can be a plant (weed), vertebrate (bird, rodent, or other mammal), invertebrate (insect, mite, or snail), pathogen (bacteria or virus that causes disease), or any organism that interferes with human or animal well-being.

Generally, the goal of pest control is to prevent problems before they occur. The primary methods used for this purpose are scouting, monitoring, and correct identification. Correctly identifying the pest is important for planning and selecting the best management strategy, as well as determining whether or not the pest requires treatment and at what time. Monitoring provides data about the presence and quantity of a pest, and scouting is the regular search for pests and their activity.

Scouting and monitoring are especially important for the food service industry. In restaurants and hotels, for example, pests can be a significant health hazard because they can spread food-borne illnesses like salmonella. They can also damage facilities by chewing on wires and building nests where they are a fire hazard. In addition, they can cause a variety of customer complaints, such as fleas and mosquito bites.

Many pests are able to thrive only as long as their food supply, water, or shelter is available. A lack of adequate shelter or overwintering sites can limit some pest populations, as can geographic features such as mountains or lakes that restrict the movement of others.

Preventing pests from gaining entry to structures is the easiest way to protect people, property and profits. Sealing gaps and cracks around foundations, trimming trees, removing woodpiles, and properly disposing of trash can all help deter pests. Similarly, regularly inspecting interior and exterior areas for potential pest entry points, such as holes in walls, dripping faucets, or loose siding, and taking steps to repair them is also effective. In addition, storing food in sealed containers and keeping garbage cans tightly closed and removed frequently reduces the availability of food for pests. Finally, avoiding the use of sprays, foggers and other toxic chemicals can lower the risk of health issues for people and pets.

Occasionally, pests can get out of hand and must be dealt with. Pest control uses a variety of methods to kill or keep pests from infesting plants and animals in the fields, orchards, landscapes, homes, and wildland areas. The goal is to minimize risk to people, beneficial organisms, and the environment. The principles of integrated pest management (IPM) guide this effort.

Prevention is the key, and IPM involves regular monitoring of the pest population to make sure that a control measure has worked. This involves scouting — regularly searching for, identifying, and assessing the numbers of a pest species and the damage it has caused. It may also include monitoring weather conditions that affect pests, such as temperature and moisture levels.

Threshold-based decision-making determines whether the pest population has reached a level that requires action. The idea is to reduce the number of pests to an acceptable level with as little disturbance as possible while maximizing production and maintaining or improving environmental quality. For example, a few wasps flying around a home don’t warrant controlling them, but a huge hive in the attic might.

Biological control, including predators, parasites, and pathogens, is used to reduce pest populations. There is often a time lag between when a pest’s natural enemies are introduced and when they start working to control the population, so this method can take some patience.

Chemical pest control is a common way to manage an unwanted pest. These substances are usually toxic to the pest and often cause harm or even death if ingested. Only a qualified professional should use chemical pesticides, and the materials must be applied in a manner that minimizes risks to humans, beneficial organisms, and the environment.

Mechanical and physical controls prevent pests by killing them directly or making the environment unsuitable for them. Examples of these controls include traps for rodents and using mulches to smother weeds.

Biological controls are the most environmentally friendly, but they can take some time to work. For instance, the nematode Steinernema carpocapsae can be sprayed on soil to kill fleas, grubs, and other insects without damaging the plant.

Pests cause health problems and damage property. They are usually unwanted creatures such as rodents, cockroaches, termites, bed bugs, and poisonous spiders. Pest control is a process that eliminates or manages these organisms to prevent them from infesting homes, businesses, and other facilities. It can be done through exclusion, repulsion, physical removal, or chemical means. Pest control experts use different methods based on the type of pest and its severity. In severe infestations, more extermination methods are used, while prevention techniques are emphasized in mild infestations.

Eradication is an important part of pest control, but it can be difficult to achieve. Infectious disease anthropologist Thomas Aiden Cockburn defined it as “the permanent reduction to zero of the worldwide incidences of infection caused by a specific agent as a result of deliberate efforts.”

The Smallpox Eradication Program (SEP) was deemed highly successful, but other efforts such as the Guinea worm and rinderpest eradication programs have not met their goals. The SEP was able to eradicate the virus because it could be easily administered through vaccination. The eradication of other infectious diseases such as polio, however, depends on a number of factors, including whether the virus can be eradicated through vaccines.

There are other forms of eradication in pest control, such as using predators to reduce the population of the organism. This method is often expensive and time consuming, but can be effective when other methods are not feasible. One of the most effective ways to use this type of pest control is by using parasitic nematodes, which are microscopic worms that live in the soil. They have a variety of beneficial uses, including killing fleas, grubs, ants, and even some weeds.

Chemical pesticides are another way to eradicate pests, though they are often dangerous if not handled properly. The pesticides are designed to kill the organism by attacking their physiology or disrupting the nervous system. They are commonly used in agriculture, where they protect crops from insects, fungi, and weeds, as well as in home pest control, such as destroying termite colonies. These types of pesticides are generally only available through licensed professionals.

An integrated pest management approach focuses on using all possible control options to avoid or minimize the use of chemical products. These methods include physical, cultural, and biological controls. Biological control involves encouraging natural enemies to reduce pest numbers. Natural enemies are predators, parasites and pathogens, which naturally affect the growth or life cycles of pests and prevent them from damaging crops. Plant pathogens, nematodes, and weeds are all examples of natural enemies that can be used in integrated pest management.

A physical or mechanical control is a first-line option for integrated pest management, and includes hand picking and barriers to stop pests from entering a field or garden. Trapping and vacuuming are also common mechanical control methods. Some types of traps attract pests with light or sound and kill them through heat or suction, or repel pests by electricity. Cultivating, soil solarization and heating are other mechanical control options in integrated pest management.

Integrated pest management includes crop rotation, soil health practices, good sanitation, and other prevention methods to prevent or limit the development of pests. Chemical pesticides are used only when other approaches cannot be effectively or economically employed. Chemicals are applied in the smallest amount possible to achieve the desired result. The best and most environmentally friendly pesticides are selected to control a problem. Pesticides are grouped into herbicides, rodenticides, insecticides, fungicides and larvicides.

Chemicals can be applied to the surface of a plant or in the soil, on leaves and stems, inside wall voids or in other places where a pest hides. They can also be sprayed or injected directly into the pest. The most effective chemical products are formulated for specific pests, and are usually combined to provide additional control benefits, such as desiccation or fungicidal effects.

A successful IPM program requires regular scouting and inspection of fields for pest problems. Setting an action threshold, a point at which pest populations or environmental conditions warrant pest control action, will focus the size, scope and intensity of an integrated pest management plan. Regular scouting and monitoring will show whether the chosen pest control measures are working or if other control methods need to be added or altered.